
This project has been created by Christoph Becker and Christian König gen. Kersting. We collect information about all laboratories worldwide that are used to conduct economic experiments. The goal is to have as much information about each laboratory as possible while keeping the data current. In this regard, we rely on help from the community of experimental economists and encourage every visitor who spots incorrect or missing information to leave a comment so we can keep improving continuously.

We have collected and checked lab data from publicly available lists, scrapped research articles for potential laboratories, and reached out to colleagues around the world to gather and verify lab information. At present, we believe this to be the most comprehensive list of laboratories for experimental economics research in existence.

This project would not be possible without the effort that fellow experimentalists have put in creating lists of laboratories in previous years. We sincerely thank everyone who contributed to those lists. We aim to unify the available data, update it, and keep it current as best as we can. Furthermore, we build upon many free services and software packages that enable us to run this website. For an overview, visit the attributions page.